Terms and Conditions
These are our Terms and Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions always apply when you use our services and/or products. This document contains important information for you as a BosWnD customer. Please read them carefully. We also recommend that you save or print these Terms and Conditions for future reference.
Article 1. Definitions
1.1. BosWnD: established in Naaldwijk and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under file number 57789452, trading under the name BosWnD.
1.2. Website: the BosWnD Website, which can be found at www.boswnd.com
1.3. Client: the natural or legal person who enters into an agreement with BosWnD
1.4. Agreement: any arrangement or agreement between BosWnD and the Client of which the General Terms and Conditions form an integral part.
1.5. General Terms and Conditions: these General Terms and Conditions.
Article 2. Applicability of the General Terms and Conditions
2.1. The General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, agreements and deliveries of BosWnD, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
2.2. If the Client includes provisions in its order, confirmation or any other communication containing acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions that deviate from or are not included in the General Terms and Conditions, these provisions will only be binding on BosWnD if and insofar as BosWnD has accepted them in writing.
Article 3. Prices and information
3.1. All prices stated on the Website and in other materials originating from BosWnD are exclusive of taxes and other levies imposed by the government, unless stated otherwise on the website/invoice/quote.
3.2. If shipping costs are charged, they will be stated clearly and in good time before concluding the agreement. These costs will also be shown separately on the invoice and/or quotation.
3.3. The content of the website and the information in our quotations and invoices have been compiled with the greatest care. However, BosWnD cannot guarantee that all information on the website and the information in our quotations and invoices is correct and complete at all times. All prices and other information posted on the Website and in other materials/documents originating from BosWnD are subject to change.
3.4. BosWnD cannot be held responsible for color deviations that are the result of the quality of the colors displayed on the screen.
Article 4. Formation of the Agreement
4.1. The Agreement is deemed to have been concluded at the moment of acceptance by the Client of BosWnD’s offer under the conditions set by BosWnD.
4.2. If the Client has accepted the offer electronically, BosWnD will immediately confirm receipt of the acceptance of the offer electronically. As long as this receipt of the acceptance has not been confirmed, the Customer has the option of dissolving the Agreement.
4.3. If it appears that the Client has provided incorrect information when accepting or otherwise entering into the Agreement, BosWnD has the right to suspend the Agreement until the correct information has been received.
Article 5. Execution of the Agreement
5.1. As soon as BosWnD has received the order, it will immediately send the products to the Consumer, with due observance of the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article.
5.2. BosWnD is authorized to engage third parties in the performance of its obligations under the Agreement.
5.3. BosWnD will indicate on the date of receipt of payment of the Agreement within which period the products will be delivered. If no delivery period has been agreed or stated, the products will be delivered within 60 days at the latest.
5.4. If BosWnD is unable to deliver the products within the agreed term, it will inform the business consumer of this as soon as possible.
In that case, the business consumer can decide to agree to a new delivery date or to dissolve the Agreement without costs.
5.5. Business consumers are obliged to inspect the products upon delivery and to report any defects found on the CMR and to report them within 7 working days, preferably in writing or by e-mail. For further details, see the Warranty and Conformity article.
5.6. The risk with regard to the products is transferred to the business consumer as soon as the products have been delivered to the agreed delivery address.
5.7. If the ordered product can no longer be delivered, BosWnD is entitled to deliver a product that is comparable in nature and quality to the ordered product. In that case, the business consumer has the right to dissolve the Agreement free of charge and to return the product free of charge.
Article 6. Right of
Onze locatie
- Sigarenmakerstraat 4A | ’s-Hertogenbosch
- +31(0)6 2136 2702
- info@boswnd.com